(Q,17)Ancient spire outpost
(G,5)Boulder Cay
(K,20)Booty Isle
(N,6)Blind Man"s Lagoon
(O,3)Blank Sand Atoll
(O,15)Barnacle Cay
(R,5)Black Water Enclave
(B,9)Crescent Isle
(G,10)Cannon Cove
(1,16)Chicken Isle
(K,14)Castaway Isle
(M,16)Crook"s Hollow
(E,17)Discovery Ridge
(M,8)Dagger Tooth Outpost
(P,19)Devil"s Ridge
(l,14)Fools Lagoon
(D,10)Golden Sands Outpost
(R,8)Galleon Grave Outpost
(1,8)Hidden Spring Keep
(O,9)Isle of Last Words
(C,6)Keel Haul Fort
(L,6)Kraken"s Watchtower
(R,12)Kraken"s Fall
(D,12)Lagoon of Whispers
(G,8)Lonely Isle
(H,6)Lone Cove
(H,17)Last Gold Fort
(1,20)Lookout Point
(S,11)Liar"s Backbone
(B,13)Mermaid"s Hideaway
(N,19)Mutineer Rock
(Q,3)Marauder"s Arch
(F,18)Old Salts Atoll
(L,14)Old Boot Fort
(M,4)Old Faithful lsle
(G,16)Plunder Valley
(1,4)Picaroon Palms
(J,18)Plunder Outpost
(L,17)Paradise Spring
(Q,6)Plunderer"s Plight
(D,8)Rapier Cay
(H,9)Run Runner Isle
(C,4)Sailor"s Bounty
(D,5)Sandy Shallows
(E,14)Sailor"s Knot Stronghold
(F,7)Sanctuary Outpost
(G,3)Salty Sands
(K,4)Scurvy Isley
(C,11)Sea Dog"s Rest
(F,3)Smuggler"s Bay
(H,19)Shark Ball Cove
(K,16)Snake Island
(M,10)Shipwreck Bay
(P,5)Shark Fin Camp
(P,9)Skull Keep
(P,13)Shark Tooth Key
(Q,11)Shiver Retreat
(L,15)Stephen"s spoils
(H,11)Twin Groves
(R,10)Tri-Rock Isle
(L,20)Thieves" Haven
(O,17)The Crow"s Nest Fortress
(P,7)The Sunken Grove
(O,11)The Crooked Masts
(b,7)The Spoils of Plenty Store
(H,10)The North Star Seapost
(O,4)The Wild Treasures Store
(S,10)Three Paces East Seapost
(F,17)The Finest Trading Post
(Q,17)Ancient Spire Outpost
(M,8)Dagger Tooth Outpost
(D,10)Golden Sands Outpost
(R,8)Galleon Grave Outpost
(J,18)Plunder Outpost
(F,7)Sanctuary Outpost
(V,17)Morrow"s Peak Outpost